Community OUtreach




University Day is an annual workshop geared towards rookie teams, where our students and mentors give presentations and seminars on topics ranging from programming a robot to applying for FIRST awards. We’ve hosted Remote Kickoff at Northeastern University since 2005, with an average of 40 teams in attendance annually. At which, we run training sessions to pass on our knowledge, such as event readiness and game breakdown. For the last 13 years, we’ve held training at our fall University Day, where 180 teams have attended in person, and also stream to Youtube, reaching 101k total views.


Career Day


Career Day is an annual workshop our mentors run to educate our students on resume writing, interview skills, college application tips and the overall college experience. We started Career Day in 2017 as a way to build up the confidence and to highlight the progression of a professional throughout their career. Last year, Career Day was held at a SONOS corporate office, giving our students the opportunity to ask SONOS engineers questions about their daily work. This gave them a wider view of the industry that awaits them after college.


Latino Stem Alliance


The Latino STEM Alliance (LSA) is an organization that brings low-cost LEGO robotics competitions to under-served communities in Boston. This way, they involve students in the STEM field from a young age. The NUTRONs started to support the LSA in 2011 as a way to inspire the students from those communities to follow a career in the STEM field. We also support LSA as a way to provide low-cost experiences to students interested in science and engineering, making it a feeder system intoother robotics programs.

First outreach


The compass alliance


FRC 125 took the initiative to lead the website development, expand the social media presence, grow the resource repository, and envision new facets of TCA. We help man the FIRST Help Now Call center, volunteer as a Help Hub, founded and co-manage Tag Teams, continually contributes to the resources repository, and generated new TCA Pathways for teams to learn from. Additionally, information and resources for FRC 125’s new project Hear For You, which raises awareness of mental health in the FIRST community, has been integrated onto The Compass Alliance website.


Hear for you


In 2017, NUTRONs students wanted to make mental health as common as safety practices in FIRST. Hear For You was founded as a collaborative platform to provide students, mentors, and volunteers an avenue help each other and create a culture of awareness, understanding, and empathy.To make Hear For You collaborative, we partnered with TCA and worked with teams all over the world to expand the program. Armed with the data collected from participant surveys as well as the success of previous Quiet Rooms, we created a partnership with FIRST Headquarters to create a Quiet Room Guide for Regional and District Event Planning guides so that more individuals and teams from around the world will benefit from the Quiet Rooms.


FLL Brookline


The NUTRONs founded 2 FLL teams based in Brookline. The students in our program split up into groups to design, build, and program mechanisms based on the design task given to them. Throughout the program, students are introduced to design and programming at a beginner level, it is a good segway into what engineering is like in other FIRST programs.

These teams were founded by a NUTRONs student her sophomore year. Her hope was to reach out to youth in her community and bring them into the STEM scene;  introduce them to engineering, programming, etc. She funded the team by running robotics summer camps with other team members.




NUTRONs Quick Build is the only one-day Chassis build workshop in NE FIRST. It is a day where our students help young teams assemble, wire, and program drive bases. Quick Build not only serves as a way to get teams on track with their robot and strategies; it develops a relationship between younger teams and the NUTRONs early on. An average of 16 teams attend every year, impacting 88 teams since its inception.


beantown Blitz


Beantown Blitz is an off-season FRC event founded in 2004 and hosted at Revere High School. This event is a way for students to de-stress and have some fun without the pressure of a official FRC competition. Not only did Beantown Blitz serve as a fun off-season event, it also drew in teams from New England and upstate New York, allowing pre-rookie teams to network with the FRC community and compete with a robot.