Community OUtreach
University Day is an annual workshop geared towards rookie teams, where our students and mentors give presentations and seminars on topics ranging from programming a robot to applying for FIRST awards. We’ve hosted Remote Kickoff at Northeastern University since 2005, with an average of 40 teams in attendance annually. At which, we run training sessions to pass on our knowledge, such as event readiness and game breakdown. For the last 13 years, we’ve held training at our fall University Day, where 180 teams have attended in person, and also stream to Youtube, reaching 101k total views.
Career Day
Career Day is an annual workshop our mentors run to educate our students on resume writing, interview skills, college application tips and the overall college experience. We started Career Day in 2017 as a way to build up the confidence and to highlight the progression of a professional throughout their career. Last year, Career Day was held at a SONOS corporate office, giving our students the opportunity to ask SONOS engineers questions about their daily work. This gave them a wider view of the industry that awaits them after college.
Latino Stem Alliance
The Latino STEM Alliance (LSA) is an organization that brings low-cost LEGO robotics competitions to under-served communities in Boston. This way, they involve students in the STEM field from a young age. The NUTRONs started to support the LSA in 2011 as a way to inspire the students from those communities to follow a career in the STEM field. We also support LSA as a way to provide low-cost experiences to students interested in science and engineering, making it a feeder system intoother robotics programs.